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Wealth Portfolio Dashboard

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This wealth portfolio dashboard is a handy tool available in the Balance Sheet, Accounts and Holdings tabs. It allows the user to see how far they are from the benchmark in various categories. The dashboard displays market & benchmark values and deviation percentages for:

  • Net Worth / Investments
  • 1-Day Return
  • Real Assets
  • Cash
  • Bonds
  • Stocks
  • Yield/SEC
  • Yield/TTM
  • Expenses


Wealth Portfolio Deviation Indicators

There are color-coded percentages on the dashboard known as deviation indicators. These indicate the deviation from the benchmark.

  • Red represents a large deviation
  • Green represents a deviation below the threshold


Wealth Portfolio Charts

Show Charts

This button is used to show financial charts. All graphs show a comparison between the user’s portfolio and their benchmark.

Show Tables

This button is used to return to the table view.


Types of Charts

Cash, Bonds, Stocks

Bond Global Distribution

Credit Quality Distribution

Mature Range Distribution

Bond Sector Distribution


Wealth Portfolio Modes

This setting is used to switch between Investment and Net Worth mode.

Investment Mode

Net Worth Mode

This mode adds an extra column known as “Real Assets.”


Benchmark Difference

This button is used to show the difference between the benchmark and your portfolio


Information Display

This button allows information to be viewed in different detail

Descriptive Information

This is the default view and displays Yields and Expenses.

Bond Details

This view displays columns relating to Bonds.

Stock Details

This view displays columns relating to Stocks.


All Columns

This setting will show all columns available in the dashboard.




This setting allows you to choose which columns to display on the dashboard.


Scrolling Shortcuts

This setting offers the user options to jump to a specific group of columns.


Based on the above photo, clicking “Bond Global Distribution” would fill the dashboard with columns relating to US Bonds.


Deviation Threshold Settings

This button takes the user to the deviation threshold settings.

This setting allows you to change the deviation threshold settings.


Dashboard Display

Minimize Dashboard

This button hides the dashboard information.

The button appears in the top-right section when the dashboard is visible.

Restore Dashboard

This button shows the dashboard information.

The button appears in the top-right section when the full dashboard is not visible.

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