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The markets tab is a newest feature from Ripsaw that allows the user dynamic updates on the market. It monitors and displays news & information from the US stock market. By default, this is the first tab that would appear to the user after a successful login.

At the top of the page, is the market news section. This can be shown in expanded form, basic form or collapsed altogether.

  • UP arrow collapses to the lesser detailed view
  • DOWN arrow expands to the greater detailed view

Expanded Market View

This is the most detailed market view. On the left, the user can view data for indices, stocks and bonds for multiple companies. Each option offers a data chart based on which company is clicked on by the user. The chart can be expanded, ranging from one (1) day to five (5) years. As the user scrolls down, more companies appear.

On the right, a thumbnail list of US market news articles can be viewed and selected. Scrolling down that section would display even more articles. Upon clicking these articles, the user would be taken to the page on new tab within the same browser.

Basic Market View

This is the default view and shows a trimmer, detailed version of the market view. At the top, news articles are scrolling from right to left whereas at the bottom, companies’ market information scrolls in the same form as above. As the mouse pointer hovers over an article or company, the scrolling stops in that section.

When the user clicks a company name, they are directed to the webpage with more details. When the user clicks an article, they are directed to the webpage with the full article. Both methods open a new tab within the same browser.

No Market View

The UP arrow can be used to collapse the entire market view. From the basic view, the arrow would be clicked once while from the expanded view, the arrow would be clicked twice. From here, the basic view can be viewed again by clicking the DOWN arrow.

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