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This section allows the user to edit their profile information.

The information that can be edited includes:

  • Name
  • Username
  • Occupation
  • Manual Tax Rate
  • Credit Score Range
  • Birthdate
  • Address (Street, City, State, Zip)

Change Password

The user can use the “Change Password” button to change their password. Afterwards, they would enter their new password twice and save.

Show Password

This allows the new password to be seen when the user is typing.

Show Password Details

This shows the rules for password creation.

Payment Information

This section allows the user to enter, edit or view their payment method.

Acceptable payment methods include:

  • Credit Card
  • Apple Pay
  • G Pay


This section allows the user to change or cancel their existing subscription. An option to enter a promotional code is also available.

Options for subscriptions include:

  • Ripsaw Essential
  • Ripsaw Standard
  • Ripsaw Plus

The user is allowed to pay Monthly or Daily

Security Settings

This section allows the user to toggle Two Step Authentication ON or OFF.

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