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This tab allows the user to view their portfolio without the abstraction of accounts and to see the breakdown of their holdings. This can be used to see how individual investments are doing and to understand the contributions of individual investments to performance daily. The wealth portfolio dashboard can be accessed from this tab.


Show Chart

This button is used to show the Holding Allocations chart.

Show Table

This button is used to show the Holdings table.

Expand All

This button shows more details for All accounts.

These include:

  • Ticker
  • Description
  • Type
  • Price
  • 1-Day Return
  • Quantity
  • Value
  • Allocation
  • Real Assets
  • Cash
  • Bonds
  • Stocks
  • Aggregator Category
  • Morningstar Category
  • Yield/SEC
  • Yield/TTM
  • Expense Ratio

Collapse All

This button shows the least details for All accounts

These include:

  • Account name
  • Value

Get new prices

This button updates the prices for All accounts to the most recent.

Filter Settings

Select A Column

This setting allows the user to select a column to use for filtering results.

Select An Operator

This setting allows the user to select an operator to use for filtering results.

Filter Value

This setting allows the user to enter a value to use for filtering results.


This button allows the user to execute the filter based on the settings entered.


This button allows the user to clear all filter settings and results.

Filter Presets

This button allows the user to use a predefined setting for the filter.

Override Security Data

This button opens the account’s settings.

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